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New book comes out in July 2019

The internationally renowed publisher Routledge had commissioned Dr. Claudia Nagel  to write a book on "Psychodynamic Coaching". This book presents thirty distinctive features of psychodynamic coaching, half of them referring to theory and the other half to praxis

You can order it with amazon or Rutledge. 


The content table gives a first overview 


Theory Part I Basic theory

1    The roots of psychodynamic coaching in psychoanalytic traditions

2    Psychodynamic coaching is not psychotherapy

3    Basic elements of psychodynamic coaching

4    Reasons and occasions for psychodynamic coaching


Theory Part II Basic theoretical concepts – relationship as focus

5    The unconscious as common ground – from soul to unconscious cognitions – a historical overview

6    Personal development, personality and character in psychodynamic coaching

7    Human relationships and the role of emotions and conflict in professional life

8    Human relationships and basic working concepts: transference, countertransference, attachment and defences

9    Neuroscientific foundations of human relationships: new insights for psychodynamic coaching

10  The system as significant context


Theory Part III Application in coaching – using the relationship

11  Understanding the inner-landscape: creating and transforming meaning

12  Dealing with different leadership types

13  Facing challenges such as resistance and defences

14  Working with defences on the group and organisational level

15  Being aware of risks and limitations


Practice Part I Preparing for the client

16  Assumptions for the coach regarding the client

17  Assumptions for the coach regarding themselves – attitude, perspective and training

18  The general setting

19  Contracting – the very first meeting


Practice Part II Running the coaching sessions

20  Beginning the relationship – ways of opening

21  The integration of additional diagnostic tools

22  Working in and with the relationship – the coach as instrument

23  Working at the core of the client’s question

24  Dealing with emotions

25  Using symbols

26  Coaching female leaders

27  Understanding and addressing the context

28  Coaching teams in organisations


Practice Part III Ending the coaching

29  Ending the coaching relationship

30  Training, ethics and elements of good practice





To the overview

To the overview